Why is a hat so important to a clown costume? Well, it helps set the look for your whole character. As you develop your makeup and character, it can be quite beneficial to have a hat style already in mind. Having a very elegant white face character and wearing an old derby that a tramp may wear would not flow well at all.
Make sure the hat compliments your outfit but doesn’t over power it; you want people to remember you more than your hat.
A hat can be a big part of your clown’s personality; if your clown is child like, a beanie cap with a propeller may be a good choice.

If you are a very tall clown, wearing a large top hat might be overwhelming, adding another 8 inches or so to your stature may be frightening to a little child. Instead you may wish to try a mini hat that would look silly and less over powering to the wee ones. There are many small hats that attach with a chinstrap, which also allows it to be worn off to the side of your head. These go particularly well with the bald wigs. A handy tip is to pin the hat directly to your wig, this eliminates the need for a chin strap while still insuring it won't fall off.

If you were doing a character clown, such as a cowboy, a giant foam cowboy hat would be hilarious and definitely convey the proper look. The newsboy style hat is very popular and come in a variety of colours that will match up well with most any costume.

A tramp or hobo clown may wear a derby or bowler hat, but rough it up so that it looks well worn. Your hat can also be a prop to assist with a magic trick or a real extension of your personality. Red Skelton created dozens of hilarious characters all using the same felt hat, just shaping it different ways for each character.
So as you develop your look as a clown, I hope you take great pride in choosing the proper hat to top it off. Check out the large variety of hats available at Clown Antics!
Taupie, Apples and Tippy each sporting a hat that compliments their unique style!
Taupie (left) sports a colorful flat cap at a jaunty angle to accent his upbeat and goofy personality. Apples (center) is a happy-go-lucky tramp clown, wearing a slightly worn but still colorful wide-brimmed hat with the front pinned up. Tippy (right) wears a mini hat with coordinated hat band that ties his whole costume together yet looks a bit absurd perched way up there. |