When I started in the clowning industry I had no idea of how to be a clown. I was kind of an extrovert and liked being a goofball in school and every time I hung around a group of friends but when I was with a group of people I did not know, the introvert in me would come out and dominate.
I remember the first time somebody said I could be a good clown. It was in a birthday party and I was the Disk Jockey that day. The clown in that event saw how I handled the guests, including the kids.
I always had a little fun routine I did with music that would start with some funny dance moves for around five to ten minutes and then I would introduce and mix in the regular music for the guest to start the partying.

Clown Coach Partners
She came to me and said that I should take classes with her mentor and that was the beginning of Pikorete The Clown. Since then, I have had a few other mentors who have coached me with my clowning and it has helped me improved a lot from where I started.
So the answer to the question in the title of this article is a big resounding YES, A GOOD Mentor Will Help You Become A Better Clown!
The key is that the mentor should be a good clown himself or herself.
So how can you find a good clown mentor? I will give you a few tips below, but don’t limit yourself to just these. You can find a mentor in many more avenues, just think out of the box and the ideas will start flowing.
One way to get a mentor is to talk with a clown who you have seen perform and you have liked his or her style. Call, write or visit them and ask them if they can mentor you because you want to become better than you are and you have seen them perform and believe they are great at what they do.
If this clown can’t help you, ask if they know somebody good they can refer you to.

Clown Baseball Team
Another way is to go to Facebook and search for Clown Groups you can join. It doesn’t have to be a local group. The mentoring can be done via the Internet or phone. You can talk about what area you need or want to get better at. You can send videos of yourself performing and ask for feedback.
A third way is to do a Google search for clown forums. There are a few big and active ones out there. Sign up to the forum, create a good profile description and then introduce yourself to the members so they can get to know you a little bit.
After that, you can write a post asking for members to mentor you. These forums are always full of people that like to help other people in the same industry, so give it a try. There is nothing to lose there. If you can’t find a mentor, just read through the posts. There usually is very good content in them.
The last way I recommend finding a mentor is doing a search for clown schools or clown classes in your area. When you find one, make sure you research it and look for reviews to see if they offer a good service.
When you look for a mentor, some of them will gladly help you without asking for any kind of compensation. Others might have a fee or may ask you to donate your services as payment. It’s up to you to choose how you want to proceed from here. Just make sure you find one that clicks with you.
Pikorete The Clown and Pompita The Face Painter serves the area in Rochester, NY and nearby cities. Pikorete likes to celebrate Birthdays for kids and adults alike, Baby Showers, Sweet 16, Graduations, Weddings, school parties and any other event that thehost wants it to be fun. His specialty is making little people and big people, young and old, laugh with his funny games, dances, and other crazy stuffs that he does or that he invents at the moment. You can visit his website at http://www.pikoretetheclown.com
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