The clowning business is not always just fun and games; there is a serious side to the business: Clown Ethics.
Clowns are considered to be ambassadors of good will, bringing joy to those we meet, often portrayed with a child like demeanor. One might say clowns see the world through the innocent eyes of a child; therefore often expected to conduct our selves as such. Clown Ethics are the guidelines, or blueprint of how one should behave while performing as a clown or children’s entertain of any sorts.
The Big NO NO’s:
- No smoking, drinking alcohol, or using profane language while in clown.
- No lewd or indecent behavior.
- No acts of criminal behavior.
- Never intentionally cause emotional or physical harm to anyone.
One should not eat or drink in clown character. During long performances, taking a break in private to stay hydrated, or a quick meal to sustain energy is acceptable.
- Always drink with a straw and use a knife and fork to minimize "damage" to your makeup.
- Bring a travel kit with makeup, setting powder and a mirror with you to touch up after you eat
- Always make sure your make up is applied in a professional manner and your costume is neat, clean and in good repair.
The DO's:
- Always conduct yourself in a professional manor always; joking around and having fun is what we do, but know the limits.
- Stay safe while performing; no one likes a broken clown.
- Give space to other performers while in character; don't be a distraction unless you are part of the routine.
Be punctual for your performances and always contact your client if an emergency arises which would cause you to be late or absent altogether.
- Try to have a colleague available to cover for you in an emergency.
Just think if all humans knew & purposely lived by the the first 4 rules of the 🤡 code….🤔😍🥰
Are clowns allowed to have visible piercings?
So glad I found you.