Be The Best Clown You Can Be
Has this ever happened to you? You are talking with a friend and this person is talking amazing things about something like a movie, a person, a book, a service, or a clown… You might remember something like this happening in the past. I bet your reaction was curiosity, especially if you were looking for something like that.
Most people when they are looking for a service, the first thing they do is ask their family members and friends. They can ask directly by calling or talking in person or they can just post the question in any social media. Usually they get answers and most of the time they choose one of those options offered.

DJ Dragon In One Of Pikorete’s Event
One of the best ways, if not the best, to get more clients to hire you for their events is to get referrals from your actual and previous clients. Word of mouth marketing is very powerful because the referred person is already practically pre-sold on your services from a person they know and trust. So why does this work so well?
Humans are social creatures. We are wired for social influence and word of mouth. Before making a purchase or deciding to hire any service company, people tend to ask around or search for reviews from other consumers. We tend to trust more in our family’s and friends’ recommendations than in a salesman recommendation, a commercial or an ad. We even trust strangers reviews of a service or product more than the company’s own marketing effort.

Fans Cheering Pikorete The Clown
So how can we get these precious referrals?
- The most important thing to do is make sure your service is remarkable. You have to leave a great impression on your customers that they feel so happy that they can’t stop talking about what you did for them.
- Ask for referrals. Let them know that you love getting referrals and you will make sure their referrals gets the same degree of service they got.
- Make sure your customers know everything you offer.
- When you receive a referral, recognize the source and be very thankful to this person.
- You can create a non competing but complementing business group and refer business to each other. For example, Clown, DJ, Face Painter, Bouncy House, etc.
- You can add a form or a link in your website for referral submissions.
- You can also offer a commission or a future discount for every referral you get.
- Write about your referral program in every social media account you have.
- Treat your customers and vendors as business partners. If they like you, they will refer a lot of people to you.
- Use the Law of Reciprocity. Give referrals without expecting nothing in return and soon you will have more referrals than you can handle.

Magic Adventure’s Infltables
Pikorete The Clown and Pompita The Face Painter serves the area in Rochester, NY and nearby cities. Pikorete likes to celebrate Birthdays for kids and adults alike, Baby Showers, Sweet 16, Graduations, Weddings, school parties and any other event that thehost wants it to be fun. His specialty is making little people and big people, young and old, laugh with his funny games, dances, and other crazy stuffs that he does or that he invents at the moment. You can visit his website at http://www.pikoretetheclown.com