Exciting Day at School


Welcome back to school in Tunisia! This is Jbel Echaara, the school near the mountain village that we have visited several times in the past few years. These pictures are from May, 2013.  On this occasion, we met with our friends from Colorado and went to the school together.  The students had the opportunity to spend time with Mimi The Clown, and then learn a couple western-style dances. On days like this, we divide the students into two groups, so everyone gets to do both activities.


The younger students got to dance first. That explains the bandannas! I think they were doing the ‘Chicken Dance’ before they moved on to country line dancing. They were definitely having a great time! I’m sorry that I don’t have any pictures of the few moments when Mimi joined in the dancing. That brought a laugh, in more ways than one!


The older kids were in a classroom with Mimi during that time. We really have to work to keep the kids focused on our presentations because they are aware that something else (involving music!) is going on nearby.



The students are respectful, interested, and playful. They are happy and grateful to do something out-of-the-ordinary at school. I’m sure they know ahead of time that ‘the foreigners’ are coming, and they look forward to the day of our visit. It takes a lot of planning and preparation for the trip, so we look forward to the visit as much as the students (and teachers).  And it is always wonderful to spend time with American friends!

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After about an hour or so, everyone gets to take a break and then switch places. When the older students see the bandannas on the younger ones, they are excited and curious about the different activity.


And then Mimi gets a whole new batch of enthusiastic kids! Okay, so maybe they were a little worn out from all the dancing…


But if you could see some of the videos! There was plenty of fun and enthusiasm all around!


One of the many things that I am grateful for is the fact that there are people with cameras! I prefer to stay in the moment, and in character, rather than stop to take pictures. I can let everyone else take the pics!

And one final picture, so you can enjoy some of Tunisia’s beautiful scenery.


Many thanks to the photographers!

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