Finding clients when you are starting out as a clown can be very difficult. Usually people ask their friends for referrals before starting to look in other places. When you are already established and have done a lot of different events, word of mouth is a very powerful way to get more clients. But to get established you still need to get clients.
There are different ways you can market your services and I am going to be going over a few options you can use to start today. Most of them are free, but you will have to do the work yourself if choose the free route.
Youtube Channel

Pikorete The Clown YouTube Channel
Building a YouTube channel was what helped me launch my clown career up to the stratosphere in Puerto Rico where I started in 2005. The advantage of YouTube is that you can use it’s authority to rank your videos for keywords people might use when searching for your services. Just upload videos of the events you do, do funny skits, send messages to kids and adults alike and any other idea that comes up to your mind.
Google Plus

Google Plus
When you make a YouTube channel, you will automatically get a Google Plus page. Make sure you optimize this page and upload photos. The videos you upload to YouTube can also be found here if you decide to share it from the upload control panel. This is another Google Property like YouTube, so take advantage of it.
Facebook Profile & Fan Page

Facebook fan page

Facebook Profile
Facebook is the number one place to be in. When you get an account with Facebook, you can set up a profile page and within this profile page, you can set up a business fan page. There are advantages and disadvantages to both. For example, the profile page has more reach. Every post you make reach more people but you are limited to only 5,000 friends. The fan page has an unlimited capacity for people to like it but the reach you get for each post is a lot less than the profile page. Facebook will give you more reach though if you run ads.

Flickr is another authority site where you can post photos and organize them in folders. Make sure you name each photo with a keyword. Yahoo is the owner of Flickr, so yes again, it has authority in the search engines eyes.
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Pikorete The Clown and Pompita The Face Painter serves the area in Rochester, NY and nearby cities. Pikorete likes to celebrate Birthdays for kids and adults alike, Baby Showers, Sweet 16, Graduations, Weddings, school parties and any other event that the host wants it to be fun. His specialty is making little people and big people, young and old, laugh with his funny games, dances, and other crazy stuffs that he does or that he invents at the moment. You can visit his website at