The Saga continues!
In keeping with the story line of the franchise, the latest installment of the Star Wars films has an awesome bad guy with a cool new weapon. Here is our take on Kylo Ren’s saber.
A red 260 twisting balloon
Balloon pump if needed.
Fully inflate the 260, release a small amount of the air, tie and soften balloon for easier twisting.
Step 1. Twist a bubble about 5″ in length, enough for a good handle.
Step 2. Twist a 4″ bubble.
Step 3. Make a 1/2 inch bubble .
Step 4. Ear twist the 1/2″ bubble.
Step 5. Follow that with a second 4″ bubble.
Step 6. Lock twist those into the handle.
Steps 7-9
Repeat steps 2 though 5 for the opposite side of the saber.
Step 10. Adjust the remainder of the balloon to form the blade of the saber and you are ready for battle.
The saber should look like this.
Stay tuned for the rebel forces counter attack!