Silly Halloween Costume Ideas

That time of year is once again upon us when people pretend to be something or someone else; no I’m not talking about election season, but Halloween of course. For the kids and those of us who are still kids at heart we get to be a Super Hero, princess or a maybe a ghoul for the night. Before heading out to shop for a new costume, we have some fun costume ideas with items you may already have around the house or from Halloween costumes of days gone by.

Witch Hazel Costume

Witch Hazel

Now this is a fun simple costume for those who may not want to get the out the make up kit. For this costume we found a red satin top, a witch's hat and black cape along with dark pants. Accessories are; one nametag that reads, Hello my name is: Hazel, and a cool looking stick for magic wand. The gag of course is that you are Witch Hazel.

Note: If you don’t have one of the nametags, create one on your computer printed on regular paper and use double side tape to adhere it.

Nutty Professor Costume

The Nutty Professor

Obtain a white lab coat, slacks, a dress shirt and Nerd Glasses (the kind that look like coke bottle lenses if possible) for the ensemble. You will also need black make up, hair spray and baby powder. 

Put on your outfit, muss up your hair and use hair spray to keep the look or use a wig and do the same. Apply the black make up in smudges to make it look as if you had a bit of a mishap in the lab. With your baby powder bottle, puff some powder over your face, neck and shirt adding to the lab explosion effect. You have a Nutty Looking Professor in just minutes.

I added a single flower vase filled with juice to use as a beaker to enhance my ensemble.

Cat Burglar Costume

The Cat Burglar

ress in all black including a black cap and burglar mask. You also need a pillowcase and some stuffed toy cats. Fill bottom of pillowcase with a small pillow or other soft items to make it look full, at the opening, have the toy cats in the bag with the tails hanging out. Have one more stuffed cat under your arm to really sell the gag.

Disclaimer: No actual cats were harmed during the making of this article, nor does Clown Antics promote the pilfering of cats, real or stuffed. Thank you.

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