- Clown Hoods: For a white face, a clown hood is probably the most functional accessory they have. A hood greatly decreases the amount of white make up needed to complete their face.
Clown Cuffs: In the hot months it's nice to leave the jacket at home and wear a long sleeve shirt and vest to help stay cool; a nice set of clown cuffs will dress up this look.
Lapel Flowers: Lapel flowers and hair ribbons add color to your look.
Suspenders and Shoe Laces: A couple of accessories that are functional and fun are suspenders and shoelaces. I like to change my shoelaces sometimes for a different style to jazz things up a bit.
Clown Badges: No clown should be without some funny clown badges. Clown badges inspire many conversations; people always want to know what IYQ or URAQT is supposed to mean. Once you have them reeled in you can dazzle them with your awesome skills.
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We’re looking for professional clown costumes. Thank you!