ClownAntics Blog
Side Show from Nurse Lulu's Clowning on a Budget
As hospital clowns, we like to be creative in our entertainment. Even the most minor gesture can be part of the show, but you need not worry about stealing your partner's thunder...
Side Show from Nurse Lulu's Clowning on a Budget
As hospital clowns, we like to be creative in our entertainment. Even the most minor gesture can be part of the show, but you need not worry about stealing your partner's thunder...
Happy Nurses Day! from Nurse Lulu's Clowning on...
The changes made for holidays can be improvised, silly or simple; the idea is to make the entire atmosphere of the hospital seem more festive.
Happy Nurses Day! from Nurse Lulu's Clowning on...
The changes made for holidays can be improvised, silly or simple; the idea is to make the entire atmosphere of the hospital seem more festive.
All By Myself from Nurse Lulu's Clowning on a B...
Circumstances now have me clowning alone in a new hospital and many things had to be adjusted for some gags to work. I have had to create gags that make sense...
All By Myself from Nurse Lulu's Clowning on a B...
Circumstances now have me clowning alone in a new hospital and many things had to be adjusted for some gags to work. I have had to create gags that make sense...
Professional Volunteer - Nurse Lulu's Improv Se...
I was fortunate that my Child Life representative had worked in my former hospital and was very familiar with hospital clowning, but I prepared a small presentation for the Volunteer Services...
Professional Volunteer - Nurse Lulu's Improv Se...
I was fortunate that my Child Life representative had worked in my former hospital and was very familiar with hospital clowning, but I prepared a small presentation for the Volunteer Services...
Volunteer vs. Pro - Nurse Lulu's Improv Series
Volunteers are wonderful and in demand, but professional hospital clowning requires thorough training in sensitivity, partnering, improvisational acting, hygiene, makeup, costuming, skills and ongoing development.
Volunteer vs. Pro - Nurse Lulu's Improv Series
Volunteers are wonderful and in demand, but professional hospital clowning requires thorough training in sensitivity, partnering, improvisational acting, hygiene, makeup, costuming, skills and ongoing development.
Rejection - Nurse Lulu's Improv Series
Hospital clowning is beginning to be recognized as a legitimate, respected specialization, but at a snail’s pace. Not everyone is enthusiastic about having clowns regularly running around a medical facility.
Rejection - Nurse Lulu's Improv Series
Hospital clowning is beginning to be recognized as a legitimate, respected specialization, but at a snail’s pace. Not everyone is enthusiastic about having clowns regularly running around a medical facility.
Are You Sleeping? Nurse Lulu's Improv Series
We try not to go into a room with music or other noises because in some units it is not always obvious when a patient is sleeping. However if they are...
Are You Sleeping? Nurse Lulu's Improv Series
We try not to go into a room with music or other noises because in some units it is not always obvious when a patient is sleeping. However if they are...
Politics, Religion and Sports...Oh My! Nurse L...
Since there are times when a clown must drop the persona in a hospital setting [such as emergencies or check-in], it is perfectly appropriate to also do so if someone...
Politics, Religion and Sports...Oh My! Nurse L...
Since there are times when a clown must drop the persona in a hospital setting [such as emergencies or check-in], it is perfectly appropriate to also do so if someone...
Bilingual: Audience - Nurse Lulu's Improv Series
If your audience members understand a language neither you or your partner can communicate in, silent clowning is usually the best choice. Silent performances can be incredibly effective and are fun for...
Bilingual: Audience - Nurse Lulu's Improv Series
If your audience members understand a language neither you or your partner can communicate in, silent clowning is usually the best choice. Silent performances can be incredibly effective and are fun for...
Bilingual: Partner - Nurse Lulu's Improv Series
There doesn’t have to be a language barrier in hospital clowning; the cultural variety provides an opportunity for creativity and enrichment.
Bilingual: Partner - Nurse Lulu's Improv Series
There doesn’t have to be a language barrier in hospital clowning; the cultural variety provides an opportunity for creativity and enrichment.
To Give Away or Not from Nurse Lulu's Clowning ...
Artistically, giveaways must have a reason to exist. They must have a purpose in the moment or otherwise fit into a gag; as such they need not have much intrinsic value.
To Give Away or Not from Nurse Lulu's Clowning ...
Artistically, giveaways must have a reason to exist. They must have a purpose in the moment or otherwise fit into a gag; as such they need not have much intrinsic value.
Special Needs, Take it Easy - Nurse Lulu's Impr...
We now know that one must have sensory awareness when approaching patients with special needs in any capacity, and entertainment is no exception.
Special Needs, Take it Easy - Nurse Lulu's Impr...
We now know that one must have sensory awareness when approaching patients with special needs in any capacity, and entertainment is no exception.