ClownAntics Blog
The Masked City
This journal is just an introductory tale of my trip to NOLA, more entries will be made of various experiences I had as both a tourist and a performer in...
The Masked City
This journal is just an introductory tale of my trip to NOLA, more entries will be made of various experiences I had as both a tourist and a performer in...

Living Statue
They’re everywhere…statues coming to life!!! Okay, nobody panic, this is not a sci-fi movie come to reality; rather this article is about the type of performance art in [..]
Living Statue
They’re everywhere…statues coming to life!!! Okay, nobody panic, this is not a sci-fi movie come to reality; rather this article is about the type of performance art in [..]

Don’t play with fire!
Fire eating is not a trick and can be very dangerous. For obvious reasons I have debated on writing this article for Clown Antics as any act with fire, including [..]
Don’t play with fire!
Fire eating is not a trick and can be very dangerous. For obvious reasons I have debated on writing this article for Clown Antics as any act with fire, including [..]