Every so often a change happens in the industry whether we like it or not. Our supplier for the straight bald clown wig is no longer manufacturing new wigs, fortunately our fast acting team was on the ball and got us a new supplier with ease. These are a custom made by Alicia wigs and they look every bit the professional wig as the current style. We wanted to make our customers aware of the change so that you were not taken by surprise if you were to order a new straight bald wig.
Dealing with change:
Our dear friend Tippy has worn the curly bald wig for years and has grown accustomed to the look it delivers. However a few years ago this style went from curly to a bit more of an afro through all of the manufacturers. He was in a bit of a pickle, it was time for a new wig, but he was not crazy over the new look. Fortunately my wig stylist said she could work with this new design and get it looking more like the old curly style. She set to work trimming the wig and delivered a result that was pleasing to Tippy.
A little off the top:
Many of us clowns will trim our wigs, bangs especially, to fit a desired look. If you feel that you can cut a straight line, we have a few tips to try this on your own. A professional willing to work with clown wigs is a safe way to go for sure.
*Make sure to use sharp hair trimming scissors.
*Place the wig on and adjust to how it will be worn and brush the wig so it lies properly. Spray lightly with water before brushing to help the wig lay nicely. Use something like a hair clip to mark the length to which you want to trim.
*Trimming the front or sides can be done by yourself in a mirror but you will need help trimming the back.
*Placing the wig on a foam head is always an option. If using the foam head as a model, make sure to place the wig on your head during the trimming process to check the progress.
*Be conservative as you cut the hair, you can always trim more but you can’t make it long again.
*Once you are happy with the look of the wig, brush though the wig a few times to shed out any loose trimmings.
After you have worn the wig once or twice in action you may feel the need for a little more trimming but this is your personal preference.
We hope these tips on wig trimming and the information of our new line of bald straight wigs has been helpful.