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Art Factory Glitter - Ocean Breeze Rainbow Crystal (0.5 oz)

Art Factory

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Quantity In Stock: 12
Regular price $3.99
Regular price $3.99 Sale price $3.99

Art Factory Ocean Breeze Rainbow Crystal Glitters can be used for glitter face and body painting. These crystal glitters are translucent and will let the underlying designs show through clearly. When light falls on the glitter, the glitter will sparkle and add an extra dimension to your designs. See all available colors here. 

Rainbow Crystal Glitter cannot used for glitter tattoos. If you are looking for opaque glitter for glitter tattoos, check out Rainbow Jewel Glitter. 

Rainbow Crystal Glitter is cosmetic grade polyester glitter that can be used by itself or along with face paints. Rainbow Glitter can be poofed over face paint designs when it is still damp or can be picked up using a brush or applicator and patted over. When applied stand alone, apply a layer of gliitter glue or glitter gel on skin and then poof glitter over it. Glitter Applications can be removed with soap and warm water.

Rainbow Crystal Glitters are made without any metal ingredients, making them safe to use on skin. Comes in 0.5 oz poofer bottle.

Note: Due to the tops of glitter bottles arriving with inconsistent hole sizes, if you find your glitter is not "poofing," please use a paper clip and gently insert it into the hole to slightly enlarge it.