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Creative Faces Chunky Glitter Stick - Gold Rush

Creative Faces

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Product Id: CF035
Quantity In Stock: 3
Regular price $6.00
Regular price Sale price $6.00

Note: Creative Faces products only ship to U.S. addresses.

Creative Faces Glitter is cosmetic grade polyester glitter in a balmy base that can be used by itself or along with face paints. Gold Rush is a mix of different sizes and shapes of pink and gold and orange chunky glitter. See all available colors here. 

Please do not apply to skin directly from the stick, as the product has chunky glitter particles that can scratch the skin. Apply easily using fingers or a flat brush, filbert brush, spatula or silicone glitter applicators (glitter gel applicator or detail glitter applicator). When applying over large areas, use a sponge or wedge. Glitter can be removed using a paper wipe, followed by soap and water. Comes in 3.5 gm Net wt. and 4.5 ml volume.

While it is safe to use for body painting, caution is recommended for use on face. Not recommended for use near eyes, especially for children.