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GTX Facepaint Standard Box - Large (1.96" x 3.14")

GTX Facepaint

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Product Id: GTX61
Quantity In Stock: 17
Regular price $3.25
Regular price Sale price $3.25

GTX Face Paint Standard Large Regular Box offers an ideal solution for creating your own custom split cakes. Choose your favorite GTX colors and fill these standard-sized boxes for clean and contamination-free results, ensuring your creations last longer. With a shallower split cake design, these boxes make it easy to refill regularly, keeping your paints fresh. Specifically designed for forehead applications, these boxes are perfectly sized for use with a sponge, making painting sessions effortless. Plus, you can personalize these boxes to your liking, eliminating the need to compromise on someone else's design. Each box measures 50 mm x 80 mm.