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GTX Facepaint Standard Box - Small (1.3" x 1.96")

GTX Facepaint

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Product Id: GTX62
Quantity In Stock: 14
Regular price $3.00
Regular price Sale price $3.00

GTX Face Paint Standard Small Regular Box is ideal for creating your own personalized split cakes. You can choose your favorite GTX colors and fill these standard-sized boxes to ensure contamination-free results, which helps maintain the quality of your creations over time. With a shallower split cake layout, these boxes make it easy to refill regularly, ensuring your paints stay fresh. Sized perfectly for forehead applications and designed for use with a sponge, these boxes enhance convenience during your painting sessions. Plus, you have the flexibility to customize them according to your preferences, avoiding the need to compromise on someone else's design. Each box measures 35 mm x 50 mm.