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Magic By Gosh Silk - Rabbit (18")

Magic by Gosh

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Product Id: G15432
Quantity In Stock: 4
Regular price $7.50
Regular price Sale price $7.50

Magic Silk handkerchiefs are a key element of many vanishing acts and other magical illusions. The colorful Rabbit silk can be made to appear, disappear, swap and change colors as part of your magic performance. For the trick, explain that you are going to make a rabbit appear in your hat, then watch your audience erupt into laughter when you pull the silk from your hat! Great trick for audiences of children.

Silks are extremely compact to compress into small spaces and are made to withstand heavy use, including frequent twisting, rolling and knotting. Each silk square measures 18 inches. Multiple Magic Silks can be used together for tricks requiring more than one silk.