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Mama Clown Iridescent Glitter - Twilight (1 oz)

Silly Farm (FAB)

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Product Id: F104935
Quantity In Stock: 1
Regular price $6.00
Regular price Sale price $6.00

Mama Clown Twilight Glitter is a high quality polyester glitter that can be used to add sparkling finish to your face and body art. Mama Clown Glitters are safe for use anywhere in the body, including face, lips and eye lids. Twilight Glitter is transparent and can be used to add shimmer effects to your designs without actually covering them. Mama Clown Glitter can be mixed with a gel to create glitter gel. Glitter is very finely cut and will stick to face paint before it dries, without any need for adhesives. For longer lasting finish, apply a very small amount of vaseline before applying the glitter. Comes in 1 ounce poofer bottle that is great to add a gentle mist of glitter over your design.