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Peanut Butter & Jelly Magic Trick

Daytona Magic

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Product Id: G1427
Quantity In Stock: 9
Regular price $80.00
Regular price Sale price $80.00
This all new, improved version of Peanut Butter & Jelly Magic Trick offers an added possibility of offering the audience a real taste of peanut butter or even making them a real peanut butter sandwich, made possible by an additional jar inside the peanut butter jar.

On one side of the stage is a jar of peanut butter, on the other side is a jar of jelly. Both jars are covered with tubes and after you recite your favorite magic words the peanut butter and jelly change places! A fine piece of magical apparatus for clowns and magicians who work with children. Supply your favorite brand of Jelly to complete the trick.

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