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Scarecrow Custom Classic Deluxe Vampire Fangs


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Product Id: K18501
Quantity In Stock: 1
Regular price $18.00
Regular price Sale price $18.00

Scarecrow Classic Deluxe Vampire Fangs can be used for creating realistic vampire effects with minimal effort. The package has a pair of classic custom fangs, 4 bonding powder capsules, customizing fluid, a mixing vessel, 2 stirring sticks and detailed instructions. Once molded and customized, Scarecrow fangs can be easily reused several times by just sliding in and out and do not require any messy adhesive, glue or putty. Scarecrow fangs have shiny, natural teeth finish and are designed to fit bottom teeth, canines, or incisors.

More info on Scarecrow fangs:

FAQs about Scarecrow Vampire Fangs:

Check out more videos at Scarecrow's YouTube channel

Safety tips:

  • Recommended for 14 years of age or more
  • Keep away from children
  • Should not be used over caps, crowns, dentures or braces
  • Should not be used on irritated or sensitive gums or if gums are still sore after a dental cleaning
  • Red drinks like fruit punch or red wine should be avoided to prevent your fangs from getting dyed to pink
  • Smoking should be avoided while customizing
  • Do not customize near open flame
  • Store out of direct sunlight
  • Works best at room temperature